How Do I

How Do I2024-04-09T10:08:31-04:00
How do I obtain a copy of a Report?2024-04-04T08:05:20-04:00

You can obtain a copy of your Accident or Incident Report from the Police Records Office at Little Egg Harbor Township Police headquarters (665 Radio Road, Little Egg Harbor).

Generally reports will be available 7 to 10 business days after the accident or incident. Please contact the Records Office beforehand at (609) 296-3666 ext 103, 104 or 105 for fees and availability.

You can also obtain Motor Vehicle Accident Reports online at

If you need a Self-Reporting Crash Form – please click here

For all other matters, you can complete an OPRA Form  (Open Public Records Act) and submit the OPRA Form to the Little Egg Harbor Township Clerk in person or  via e-mail at

How do I obtain a Temporary Handicapped Parking Placard2024-04-04T08:06:51-04:00

Temporary Handicapped Parking Placard

Residents wishing to obtain a temporary handicapped parking placard, can obtain same from the Police Records Office.  Residents must have a NJ MVC temporary handicapped parking placard form completed and signed by their doctor.  The completed form and a check made payable to:  NJ MVC in the amount of $4.00 can be brought into the Police Records Office during normal business hours and a temporary handicapped parking placard will be issued.

For those residents in need of a permanent handicapped parking placard, these placards must be obtained from the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission directly.

How do I dispose of Prescription Medication?2025-02-27T09:37:06-05:00

Project Medicine Drop is an important component to help halt the abuse and diversion of prescription drugs. It allows consumers to dispose of unused and expired medications anonymously, seven days a week, 365 days a year, at “prescription drug boxes” located within the headquarters of participating police departments. Participating police agencies maintain custody of the deposited drugs, and dispose of them according to their normal procedures for the custody and destruction of controlled dangerous substances.

The Project Medicine Drop Box is located inside police headquarters (in the Police Records Lobby) at the Little Egg Harbor Township Administrative Justice Complex (665 Radio Road, Little Egg Harbor Township). The department also has a portable Drop Box that is often brought to community events.

Please note that liquids and syringes (needles) should NOT to be deposited in the drop box. For additional information on the safe disposal of unwanted medications, you can visit the New Jersey Department of Consumer Affairs website at:

U & T Visa Applications2024-04-04T08:08:15-04:00

It is the policy of the Little Egg Harbor Police Department to deal with the immigrant community in compliance with New Jersey Attorney General Guideline 2018-6. The Little Egg Harbor Police Department’s responsibilities are limited to certifying that an alien, who is or was the victim of a qualifying crime within Little Egg Harbor Township is currently, has previously, or will in the future cooperate with the investigation and/or prosecution of such crime. The following details the policy of the Little Egg Harbor Police Department with respect to U & T Visa Applications:

Non-citizens may be eligible for a U Visa if:
They are the victims of qualifying criminal activity;
They have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of having been a victim of criminal activity;
They have information about the criminal activity;
They were helpful, are helpful, or are likely to be helpful to law enforcement in the investigation or prosecution of the crime;
The crime occurred in the United States or violated U.S. Laws.
They are admissible to the United States. If not admissible, an individual may apply for a waiver on a Form I-192, Application for Advance Permission to Enter as a Non-Immigrant.
If the person is under the age of 16 or unable to provide information due to a disability, a parent, guardian or friend may assist law enforcement on their behalf.
Aliens or their representatives seeking certification for a U visa shall be referred to the Investigations Supervisor. The Investigations Supervisor will initiate an inquiry into the matter to determine if the alien has been:
A victim of a qualifying crime under the jurisdiction of this department;
Has specific knowledge and details of crime; and
Has been, is being, or is likely to be helpful to law enforcement in the detection, investigation, or prosecution of the qualifying crime
Aliens or their representatives seeking certification for crimes occurring outside the jurisdiction of the Borough of Little Egg Harbor Township shall be referred to the local jurisdiction or the county prosecutor’s office in which the crime occurred.
The Investigations Supervisor shall assign the inquiry a case number in CAD/RMS.

Upon determining that the alien has satisfied the above requirements, the Investigations Supervisor shall execute Form I-918, Supplement B, U Non-immigrant Status Certification.
The completed form shall be forwarded to the Chief of Police or his/her designee for signature.
The original fully executed form shall be returned to the applicant or his/her representative; and
The Investigations Supervisor shall forward a copy to the records bureau to be maintained in the case file.
The Chief of Police or his/her designee may withdraw or disavow a Form I-918B at any time if a victim stops cooperating. The tour commander must notify the USCIS Vermont Service Center in writing (including as an email attachment) at:
Law; or mail to:
USCIS—Vermont Service Center ATTN: Division 6 75 Lower Welden Street St. Albans, VT 05479
If the Investigations Supervisor determines that USCIS should know something particular about a victim’s criminal history, that information can be cited on the certification or with an attached report or statement detailing the victim’s criminal history with that law enforcement agency or his/her involvement in the crime.

Such written notification regarding withdrawal or disavowal must include:
This department’s name and contact information (if not included in the letterhead);
The name and date of birth of the individual certified;
The name of the individual who signed the certification and the date it was signed;
The reason the department is withdrawing/disavowing the certification including information describing how the victim’s refusal to cooperate in the case is unreasonable;
The signature and title of the official who is withdrawing/ disavowing the certification; and
A copy of the signed initial certification.
Non-citizens may be eligible for a T Visas if:
Is or has been a victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons (which may include sex or labor trafficking); and
Is in the United States due to trafficking;
Has complied with requests for assistance in an investigation or prosecution of the crime of trafficking; and
Would suffer extreme hardship involving unusual and severe harm if removed from the United States. N.
The T visa declaration is supplementary evidence of a victim’s assistance to law enforcement that an official can complete for a T visa applicant. The declaration must be provided on Form I-914, Supplement B, and instructions are available on the USCIS website at
The Investigations Supervisor will process T Visas in the same way as U Visas.

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